What To Know About Laser Hair Removal


What To Know About Laser Hair Removal

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that removes unwanted hair from various areas on the body using a laser. The treatment is performed by an experienced medical provider and is an outpatient procedure. The laser used is an intense flashing light applied to the area being treated. The beam penetrates the epidermis to reach the hair follicle where it reduces future growth. Laser hair removal is an effective means of slowing the growth process, and in some cases permanently stops new hair growth. For permanent results multiple sessions are required and results are never guaranteed. It is important to note that different skin pigments and hair colors produce different results.Laser Hair Removal

Common Areas Treated With Laser Hair Removal

  1. Upper & Lower Lip
  2. Chin
  3. Eyebrow
  4. Full Face
  5. Back
  6. Neck
  7. Bikini
  8. Forearm
  9. Underarms
  10. Full Leg

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a relatively safe and effective alternative to shaving, tweezing, waxing or electrolysis. This cosmetic procedure is one of the most common for many reasons. It is likely to produce expected results, the procedure is quick and easy and most of your body can be treated. By choosing this method of hair removal you will experience an incomparable reduction of hair growth with minimal side effects. The process is short, when compared to electrolysis, and generally more cost effective. Laser hair removal not only removes the hair, but it also decreases stubble and continued growth.

Who Can Be Treated for Laser hair Removal?

Laser hair removal can be treated on a variety of people. Patients vary in age starting at 13 and can be male or female. Laser treatment works on a many different skin colors, but, it is generally ineffective on grey, red and light blonde hair.

LightSheer DUET

The LightSheer Duet is an efficient hair removal device that provides fast and effective results for permanent hair growth reduction. It uses a vacuum assist technology to improve the speed of the procedure. It is ideal for treating larger areas, such as the back, which with other devices would be time consuming. It also works well on smaller areas.

Lisa S. Ball, NP in Buffalo, NY offers laser hair removal to all of WNY! For more information on laser hair removal click here or call us today. We look forward to working with you!

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Posted in Dermatology