Common Causes of Hair Loss


Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common condition. So much so, that it is estimated that over 85 million Americans are affected by some form of it. That’s why with August being National Hair Loss Awareness Month, we thought of it as the perfect time to explore some typical causes.Woman Hair Loss

  • Hereditary thinning. The most common form of hair loss. Also known as androgenetic alopecia, this condition is related to family genetics.
  • Stress induced. A temporary form of hair loss that can be caused by an illness, fever, childbirth, or emotional stress.
  • Use of birth control. This can come about from the effect that they can have on the body’s hormones.
  • Postpartum. Another form of hair loss that relates to the hormones. Specifically, with the lowering levels of estrogen and progesterone that occur after giving birth.
  • Autoimmune conditions. This occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Most typically characterized by patches of hair loss on the scalp, more severe cases can affect the hair all over the body.
  • Nutrient deficiencies. Some of the most common deficiencies that we encounter that can correlate to hair loss are Vitamin D and Iron.
  • Thyroid diseases. Can occur when the thyroid is overactive (hyper) or underactive (hypo).
  • Prescription medications. Some medications can cause temporary hair loss or even bring on the early onset of hereditary hair loss.
  • Hairstyles. This can be caused by hairstyles that put a constant strain on the hair follicles or pull at them (ex. extensions, weaves, braids, corn rows, or dreadlocks).
  • Hair products. Certain products contain ingredients that can be harmful to hair follicles leading to breakage and damage.
  • Radiation therapy for cancer treatment. Depending on the intensity of the treatment, it can be either temporary or permanent.
  • Scar from an injury or surgery. Scar tissue often has poor blood circulation and because of this, hair follicles are not provided with the necessary nutrients they need to survive.

Hair loss can be tough to deal with. If you think you may be suffering from one of the causes above, contact Lisa S. Ball, NP at the Neiman Dermatology Building today.

Source: American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

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Summer Essentials

With Summer in full swing, we rounded up some things we recommend to our patients this time of year.

Summer Essentials 2022

  1. SkinCeuticals Simply Clean. This is a great cleanser for all skin types, especially oily and acne-prone. Not only does it do wonders in removing excess oil and debris from the skin (which this time of year is more common), but it is also a great makeup remover as well.
  2. SkinCeuticals Light Moisture UV Defense SPF 50. An amazing weightless sunscreen that can be used on both the face and body. Some nice things about it are it doesn’t clog pores and its quick absorption does a good job of preventing it from getting on clothing. It’s also an amazing moisturizer, making it a must for anyone with dry skin.
  3. Underarm Laser Hair Removal. This is a perfect area to treat during the summer because, with laser hair removal, it is essential to avoid the sun. And since the underarms are not typically exposed to it, treatment can still be done. Another positive, it’s effective in getting rid of any pesky ingrown hairs.
  4. HydraFacial. The warm, sunny weather can have quite the impact on drying out our skin. That’s why the HydraFacial is one of our favorite treatments this time of year. Aside from providing the skin with much-needed hydration, it also helps to unclog the pores from sweat and sunscreen leaving the skin ‘glowing’ right after treatment.

If your skin is in need of some revitalization through the summer months, contact our office today.

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Posted in Skin Care

Why You Should Avoid Sulfates in Your Shampoo

Woman washing hair

If you’ve ever looked at the ingredients on a bottle of shampoo, odds are you may have come across sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).

Both of these are lathering agents that are actually found in a variety of cleaners and detergents. In shampoos, these ingredients help to remove excess oil and moisture from the hair/scalp. However, for some people, too much can be stripped away leading to dryness and irritation. That’s why it’s best to play it safe and avoid sulfates in shampoos altogether.

Here at Lisa S. Ball, NP at the Neiman Dermatology Building we recommend the Viviscal PRO Shampoo. It’s sulfate-free and provides a gentle cleansing that leaves the hair healthier and fuller-looking. If you would like to learn more about Viviscal PRO Shampoo, contact our office today.


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Posted in Hair Care

The Perfect Treatment for Summertime Breakouts

Summer WomanWith Summer officially around the corner, even warmer weather is on the way. But for those who are prone to acne, that is not necessarily a good thing. The reason is that during this time more sweat and oil are produced. This, in turn, can lead to more breakouts.

So, if you are one of the many who suffer from acne breakouts, what can you do? One of our favorite treatments for the condition is the HydraFacial with the ZO Skin Health Rozatrol Booster. This supercharged treatment not only helps to manage oil production but also soothes the appearance of red, sensitized skin as well. Immediately after treatment, the skin is left with a noticeably clearer, radiant glow.

If you deal with acne breakouts and are ready to say goodbye to them, we here at Lisa S. Ball, FNP can help! Schedule an appointment with us today.

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Posted in Skin Care

Why Morpheus8 Body is the Perfect Treatment for Cellulite

June is one of the best times of year to sit back, relax, and enjoy the weather. However, for many women with cellulite, it can be one of the more stressful. This is because the less clothing that comes with the season, the tougher it is to cover up the area(s) of concern. There is hope though, in the form of the Morpheus8 Body treatment.

The Morpheus8 Body is a minimally invasive treatment that utilizes a combination of radiofrequency (RF) energy and micro-needling to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. This in turn significantly reduces the appearance of the cellulite, and in some cases, destroys it altogether. Most patients notice an improvement after just one treatment, with a total of three treatments (each spaced about 4-6 weeks apart) recommended for best results. The most common areas treated are the stomach, thighs, back, and buttocks.

Morpheus8 Body Patient Results

Want to reduce the appearance of cellulite and get noticeably smoother skin? Learn more about the Morpheus8 Body by scheduling a consultation at Lisa S. Ball FNP in Buffalo, NY today.

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Posted in Body Contouring, RF Skin Tightening

Morpheus8 for Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a natural, bodily function that usually occurs when in warm temperatures, exercising, or in stressful situations. This process is usually good for the body, helping it stay cool when it becomes overheated. However, sweating too much can actually cause a number of issues both physically and emotionally. That’s why an effective treatment is of the utmost importance for those dealing with it.

One of the most common conditions associated with excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis. Aside from sweating more than necessary, sufferers of Hyperhidrosis can sometimes sweat without any trigger. This is usually caused by overactive sweat glands in the area(s).

Hyperhidrosis Woman Underarm

So, what can you do if you suffer from this condition? We recommend the Morpheus8. This treatment delivers a combination of radio-frequency energy and micro-needling that can actually desensitize those overactive sweat glands. This can significantly improve the condition, and in some cases, eliminate it altogether. Another nice benefit of the Morpheus8 is that it can be used essentially anywhere the issue is occurring (the underarms, palms of hands, soles of the feet, or the face). Though results can be seen after just one treatment, most patients need at least three total to experience the full results.

If you are dealing with excessive sweating and would like to find out if the Morpheus8 is for you, call our office at (716) 688-0020. The Morpheus8 can help those suffering from hyperhidrosis, schedule a consultation with our office today.

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Posted in Morpheus8

Common Dermatology Myths Debunked

When it comes to the field of dermatology there are a lot of misconceptions out there. That’s why we decided to put together a list of some of the more common ones to help debunk those assumptions.Beautiful Woman Dermatology

Myth: Foods can cause acne.

Now while what you eat can have an influence on the health of your skin, in regards to acne, is usually correlated to genetics. Although foods cannot cause you to get acne, it is possible for them to contribute to it, however.

Myth: Genetics determine how your skin will age.

Another common myth is that genetics play a large role in how your skin ages. Although genetics can play a role, a bigger one is played by your lifestyle and overall health.

Myth: If I get a base tan at a salon, I won’t sunburn outdoors.

This one couldn’t be further from the truth. A tan is actually a sign of damage to your skin and in no way prevents further damage from future sun exposure. The best way to prevent sunburn is to avoid tanning and use sunscreen.

Myth: Any sunscreen will adequately protect my skin from the sun.

A sunscreen must have an SPF of at least 30, combined with ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.  This will help to block both UVA (long-wave radiation which can lead to wrinkling and aging) and UVB (short-wave radiation which can cause sunburn) rays, both of which can lead to skin cancer.

Myth: Once I put on sunscreen for the day, it is not necessary to apply it again.

Sunscreen must be reapplied every two hours or after exposure to water.

Myth: If I shave my hair, it will grow back thicker.

Unfortunately for people with thinning hair, this is not true. Although the hair may appear thicker after shaving, this is just an optical illusion. The hair is exactly the same thickness it was before shaving it.

As you can see, there are a lot of myths in relation to dermatology, but hopefully being aware of some will help you in the future.

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Posted in Dermatology

Get the Treatment You Want Now & Pay Later With Cherry

Have you ever contemplated getting a particular treatment, but didn’t move forward with it because of the cost? Wouldn’t it have been great to make it more affordable with the option to pay over time? Well, we have some good news for you! We now offer patients the ability to do just that with Cherry. Smiling Cosmetic Woman

What is Cherry?

Cherry is a payment plan specifically designed with cosmetic procedures in mind. With it, patients are able to split purchases into smaller, more convenient monthly payments.

How does Cherry work?

Cherry performs a soft credit check, which determines approval amounts and contract type, as well as the patient’s identity.

How to apply?

Apply online or in our office by clicking here. The application process is very quick and simple with approval in seconds. All you need is a state-issued identification card and a cell phone number.

Will applying to Cherry affect my credit?

No. Cherry performs a soft credit check which will not have any impact on your credit score.

What is the approval rate?

Cherry currently has a 95% approval rate.

What payment options are offered?  

The soft credit check determines the approval amount and contract type. Some qualifying patients can get approved for up to $10,000 with interest-free options available.

What to do after approval?

Approvals are only valid for 30 days, so make sure to contact our office as soon as you can thereafter to schedule an appointment.


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Why a Booster is the Perfect Add-on to a HydraFacial

Boosters are serums that can be added onto a HydraFacial to help customize the treatment for specific skincare needs. Each booster has its own unique benefits and is very effective in enhancing the overall results of a HydraFacial.HydraFacial Boosters

Some of our most popular boosters include:

1) Dermabuilder – Helps to even out skin tone, smooth the appearance of fine lines/wrinkles, and enhance the skin’s overall elasticity.

2) Alastin Trihex-Pro Booster – Clears out damaged collagen and elastin while assisting the skin in developing more. It can also help to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin.

3) Circadia Chrono-Peptide – Further energizes the skin, which in turn, leaves it more radiant and glowing.

4) Senté Dermal Repair – Enhances hydration while helping reduce the appearance of redness.

If you would like to learn more about HydraFacial boosters and how they can benefit your skin, call 716-688-0020 or click here.


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Posted in Skin Care

The Benefits of a HydraFacial With a Perk

As you may already know, a HydraFacial is a great way to pamper your skin. Offering a variety of benefits, this revolutionary treatment can achieve some pretty amazing results. Pair it with a Perk, however, and those results get even better!

HydraFacial Perk

So, what’s a Perk? A Perk is an add-on treatment to a HydraFacial that specifically targets the most delicate areas of the face (eyes and lips). Utilizing patented roller-flex technology, the results of the treatment are immediate and long-lasting.

For the eyes, a combination of horse chestnut seed extract and arnica flower extract help to tone, firm, and hydrate the area. And then for the lips, ingredients of peppermint oil and peony extract are able to refresh, hydrate, and lightly plump the area.

So, if you want to take your HydraFacial to the next level a Perk is the way to go! To learn more about a HydraFacial with a Perk or to schedule an appointment, contact our office today.


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