Hair Transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that was first performed in the US in 1952. Typically, the process is done by taking hair follicles from the back of the scalp and moving them to thinning or bald areas on top of the scalp.
Since its inception, the procedure has evolved significantly over the years. During that time however, some misconceptions developed as well. We decided to set the record straight and debunk some of the more common ones.

Dr. Thomas Chu harvesting from the donor area in an FUT procedure.
1) The results of a hair transplant are not permanent.
Actually, since the hair is taken from an area that is genetically programmed to never fall out, the transplanted hair will be there for a lifetime. It is currently the only permanent solution for male or female pattern hair loss.
2) Hair transplants are not cost effective.
When considering the long-term benefits of the procedure, you must understand once you have it done, it’s permanent. Relatively speaking, having a hair transplant can be cheaper than years of products and/or treatments done in an attempt to keep or re-grow hair.
3) The FUE method does not leave behind a scar.
Not the case. FUE simply does not leave behind a linear scar in the donor area (like FUT). The scarring left behind with FUE presents itself in the form of tiny little dots in the areas of extraction.
4) After the procedure is done, there is a lot of maintenance and up keep with the transplanted hair.
Once the transplanted hair begins to grow, there is no special upkeep needed. It’s your own hair, just moved to a different area.
5) It’s easy to tell if someone has had a hair transplant.
Though in the past this may have been true, with new advancements and techniques it’s now virtually undetectable.
6) Anyone with hair loss is a candidate for hair transplantation.
Not true. There can be a number of contributing factors causing someone’s hair loss. This is especially true with female patients, as they may have uncontrolled thyroid issues which can contribute to their hair loss. This is why we have all our patients undergo extensive blood work prior to moving forward with a hair transplant procedure.
Hopefully this list provided you with a little reassurance when it comes to hair transplants and if you have any additional questions contact our office today!