Insurances Accepted

Insurance Plans Accepted

Lisa Ball NP PLLC at the Neiman Dermatology Building is committed to providing our patients with optimal dermatology care. With that in mind, we participate with a wide variety of health insurance plans. Even if yours is listed below, we still ask that you contact them directly to ensure that our office is a participating provider. This will also help determine your individual plan requirements regarding referrals, authorizations, co-pays, and deductibles.

Insurances we participate with:

1199 Local Benefit Fund
AARP Medicare Supplement/Fixed Indemnity by UHC
Aetna Health Plans
Aetna Senior Supplement
Allied Benefit Systems, Inc.
AmeriBen Solutions, Inc.
Highmark BCBS Amerigroup Medicaid
Bind (Surest)
Highmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New York Western
Champva – HAC
Constitution Life – ERA Only
Continental Benefits
Empire Plan is Metropolitan
Federal Blue Plan (Government)
Government Employees Hospital Association (GEHA)
Independent Health Medi Source
Independent Health New York
Lifetime Benefit Solutions
Medicare of New York (Upstate) – J13
Meritain Health (North American Administrators)
Molina/Total New York
MVP Health Plan of NY
Nova Healthcare Administrators, Inc.
Railroad Medicare (Augusta, GA) Active Edit
Tricare East
Tricare for Life
UMR formerly Commonwealth Administrators, LLC Pomco
United American Insurance Company
United Healthcare Community Plan
United HealthCare of all states
UnitedHealthcare Student Resources
UPMC Health Plan

Insurances we DO NOT participate with:

United Healthcare Dual Complete
United Healthcare FlexWork (All Savers plans)
United Healthcare Oxford

If you have any further questions, please contact our office.